Thursday, April 17, 2008

Step 25. Get creative with your workout

If a closed gymnasium is not where you'd rather be, then try joining a sport or take up salsa or Bollywood dancing classes instead.

Step 24. Taking the steps is not a substitute for a workout

In fact this could lead to knee injury, particularly if you lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Step 23. Don’t skip the warm-up stage

All too often people skip their warm-ups due to lack of time. It is dangerous to exercise cold-muscles and increases the risk of muscle injury and joint pain.

Step 22. Don’t overlook the mind-body connection

Only if you are mentally fit will you be able to concentrate on your work-out and thereby get the most out of it.

Step 21. Don’t pop vitamin pills

Unless prescribed by a doc, don’t consume vitamin tabs. While some such as Vitamin B are water-soluble and will be automatically flushed out of your system, such is not the case with Vitamin A and D. Therefore if you self-medicate you run the risk of suffering from toxicity.

Step 20. Juices are no substitute for water

While fruit juices are healthy and need to be part of your diet, they are no
substitute for water. When you keep track of your daily consumption of water, don't include any other beverages there.

Step 19. Eat right on time

One of the leading causes of heart-disease, hypertension and diabetes is the fact that all too often we skip meals and it is this gap between meals that reduces immunity.